Monday, August 30, 2010

Wednesday, September 1st

Today's Activities:
 Homework:  Free-write to at least two of the following scenarios.  Write enough to give your reader an understanding of what happened (a good paragraph each should do).  Due tomorrow.

Free-write scenarios:

A)  Write about a time when you were scared out of your wits.
B)  Write about the most memorable moment you have of your mom/dad/grandparent/uncle/aunt/sibling...etc.
C)  Write about something you did that was hard, but you did it, and you're really proud of yourself for doing it.
D)  Write about the coolest place you went - not cool because you had fun, but cool because you learned something important.
E)  Write about a failure (sports or school, or disappointing someone) that really affected you.
F)  Write about a time when someone close to you really helped you out of a jam, or when you helped someone out of a jam.
G)  Write about a significant illness or injury that you had to deal with (in either yourself or a family member).
H)  Write about a time where you accomplished a life's goal, or a family member did while you were around.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Tuesday, August 31st.

Today's Activities
  • review alliteration and full-rhyme
  • homework check: A, B, C, D, U.
  • Class Policies and Rules - the basics.
Homework:  Be prepared for a contest on names tomorrow.  Review class rules.  Check Moodle.  Find this blog.

    Wednesday, August 11, 2010

    Monday, August 30

    Today's Activities:  Monday, August 30

    • Resources you need to know, now.
      • Class Moodle Page
      • Class Daily Blog
    • Alliteration/Full-Rhyme Name Tags - started in class, finished at home.
      • Definition of Alliteration and full-rhyme can be found on this poetry terms definition page:
      • Name tags must have a picture of a meaningful symbol that has either an alliteration or a full-rhyme with your name (first or last, or whatever name you wish to be called in class by your teacher and fellow students - be appropriate, of course), and your name written clearly.
      • Example:
    • Homework:
      • Name tags need to be in full-color, and have above named requirements for credit.  Due tomorrow.  There will be a contest for who can know the most names in class Wednesday.

    Welcome Class of 2015!

    Hi Folks!  This is where I'll post assignments, pictures (of the whiteboard), videos, links, and other resources for you to use in this class!  Also, you'll be able to respond, ask questions to myself of other team members, and let your voice be heard.  Take a look around!