Friday, October 29, 2010

Last "Production Day" for using the computers in the classroom

Hi kids,

Today we used the entire day for producing our PowerPoints and videos.  Many of you did not finish, and will have to be finishing on you own.  All projects have to be passed in by this coming Tuesday, no exceptions.

Some of you signed out thumb-drives.  Those need to be returned by Monday. 

Also, many of you finished the 5 vocabulary posters and posted them to your  For those of you who haven't, you have to do that by Tuesday as well.  See the below postings for further information on that.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

TWO flashcard apps for your iPod Touch

There are two apps that I found out there that work with your iPod Touch, an expensive, awesome one, and a cheaper, okay one.  Both let you download the flashcards that I made for you through

ACE flashcards - the cheap, okay one (99 cents).  When you use it, search for cmsteacherstowell in the "creator" field to download the cards I made on Quizlet.

Flashcard Touch - the expensive one with more features ($4.99).  It's cooler, buy you have to pay five times as much for it, which is a bit much.

Production Day 2

Hi Kids,

Again, we are producing our PowerPoints or Instructional videos.  That means if you have your media, you are editing it.  If you do not, you need to get a start on the electronic vocabulary assignment, which will be due for everyone eventually.

For the brainypic vocabulary assignment:
Visit my example, posted below.  Then create your own, finding an image on the Internet that fits both your vocabulary word (chosen from your vocab list) and the example sentence you make up.  Be sure to copy the URL address from where you got the image.  Once you create your "motivational poster," you need to copy the link they give you, and post it on your kidblog.   YOU NEED TO MAKE 5 POSTERS TOTAL!

Homework:  ALL Media due to class by this FRIDAY!  FINAL DRAFTS of essays and projects due next week.  VOCAB Posters due Tuesday.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Continue filming, shooting, and editing your instructional video or PowerPoint

Today is a "production day."  You will be working on either shooting or editing your PowerPoint or Video.

If you have no work to work on, you must create a motivational posters for your vocabulary words.  Five minimum.  Go to the following link:

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Oh man, if you have an iPod Touch, check out this app. now!

Download the Flashcards Touch app from Quizlet.  Then, search for "Silence, Reticence" Rock the S.A.T. cards created by a user named "cmsteacherstowell."  There are free flashcards for you to download.  Challenge, Super-Challenge, and Extreme. Boom.  Click.  Done.

Do you want vocab flashcards online?

visit out this link!

Vocabulary Work

Hi Kids,

Since I'm out sick today, you have a little vocab work to do in class, since we can't have the computers in class without me.  You have a list, a crossword puzzle, and some flashcards to make.  If you finish, work on any other unfinished business, i.e. "planning boxes" that I know many of you have not yet done.  Continue to film/photograph at home!  See you tomorrow!

Homework:  Crossword puzzle and flashcards due tomorrow!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

How to set up your instructional essay

Sent on the run with my lovely iPhone!

Continuing to work on our Instructional Essay

Today and tomorrow we have the computer lab to work on typing out our "Instructional Essays."  It's a good thing that you pre-wrote ten steps of your procedure last night for homework.  Make sure you set up your essay in the following way:

(see screen-shot above)

After you type up your essay, it is time to work on your planning boxes.  Remember: some of your steps will take several camera shots, because you may need a medium-shot of the step, and then zoom in for a close-up.

Homework:  See yesterday's post - it still applies!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Introduction to "How-To" Instructional writing and creation of videos or PowerPoint presentations

Hi Kids,

Today in class, we went over the handout for instructional writing.  Afterward, I showed you examples of the "Instructional Essay" and the "Planning Boxes" that you will need before you create either a PowerPoint presentation (challenge or super-challenge), or a video (extreme challenge).  Then, the rest of class was spent in drafting the instructional steps for the thing you plan to teach. 

Please see the page on the upper-right corner of this blog which has some additional resources.

        Due tomorrow (beginning of class):  Write a rough draft for at least ten steps of the thing you plan to teach.
       Due Friday (by the end of class): 
  •         at least 10 planning boxes
  •         a TYPED rough draft of your "Instructional Essay" with a conclusion, list of materials, and introduction paragraph
  •       your second posting....which you've known about for over a week.  Many of you have already done this - hooray for you!

Friday, October 15, 2010

During NECAP testing

Today, since we have shortened periods, and I won't see you again until Wednesday, we have a few things to start in class, which you will finish on your own.

1)  Kidblog:  Choosing your Instructional Writing topic, and this week's writing prompts (see yesterday's post, below).
2)  Help you pick which topic to use for instructional writing.

3)  Pass out the handout for instructional writing.

Homework: (see post below)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Here are the two prompts that you need to post on

Hi Kids,

Now we’re going to get things going.  There are two prompts for which you need to respond.

Prompt 1:  Who are you as a writer? Or….Who are you as a reader? (Due Wednesday) You can respond to one or both of those questions in a prompt of at least 10 sentences in length.  Some ways to respond would be to mention your strengths and weaknesses in your habits or skills; mention a favorite or worst assignment, talk about your grades in English, how some particular teacher really helped you, what activities you really enjoyed, if you work better in groups or alone, what you do outside of school  (do you read or write outside of school?), or whatever you can think of related to one or both of those two questions.

Prompt 2:  Artifact. (due next Friday) Copy and paste an example passage of your writing that you have done in the past.  It can be any saved file that you have, this year or even in previous years.  It needs to be at least a paragraph in length, but try not to go over three paragraphs.
Answer the following questions to introduce the copied and pasted text:
  1. What is this piece of writing?
  2. Aside from being told to by Mr. Stowell, why did you choose this piece of writing?
  3. What does this piece of writing show about you as a writer?
  4. Does this piece show any of your strengths?
  5. Does this piece show any of your weaknesses?
Prompt 2 (alternate): If you can’t find a piece of text to copy and paste (shame on you for not saving anything!), then you may write a two-paragraph response to the following prompt, and then answer the questions above.
  • It’s the year 2030 and your space-car just crash-landed on an alien planet, while you were traveling on vacation with your two friends.  Your car is broken; you only have what you packed with you for your vacation to the beach planet, Vespia.  This planet looks like a prehistoric jungle.  It looks like you may be stuck here for a loooooong time.  Include dialog and sensory details.  Be sure to also answer the questions above.

Today - NECAP Testing - meeting only periods 2 and 3

I hope you guys are making me proud!  Following the directions, inserting quotes and summarized information from the text, and filling the box!  Don't forget those thesis statements and conclusions!

In class today, we are continuing our discovery of the website as an educational tool.  You need to respond to two writing prompts, prompt one due Wednesday, 10/20, and prompt two on the following Friday.

Homework:  Post the following two prompts on, first one Wednesday, second one Friday.  If time permits, you may be allowed to give constructive feedback to other's postings.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Today's Activities: Assessing Sentence Combining and Introduction to kidblog

Hey Kids,

Today we took the assessment on your sentence combining skills.  If you were absent, you need to make up this quiz tomorrow during flex.
Afterward, you were introduced to  It is a safe and secure for you to post brainstorm lists, and display your writing assignments, and have only your classmates and your teacher respond to them.  See me if you forget how to log in.

Homework:  Post your "Five Teachable Skills" list onto kidblog, and comment on as many other classmates' posted lists as you like.  Remember, I moderate all comments, and expect you to not only demonstrate proper manners in giving constructive feedback, but that it is also correctly spelled and punctuated.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Today's Activities: Run-ons and Fragments

If you missed the notes today on "Finding Verbs and Subjects" and on run-ons and fragments, check out this link: notes

After the notes, we started the homework in class.  If you were absent, pick up the homework from me tomorrow.

Homework:  finish the sentence combining review and run-on/fragment worksheets.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Today's Activities

Hey Class,

Today we talked about sentence combining.  You were given a handout that explains it in class today.  If you were absent, make sure you get it tomorrow.  Basically, there are two rules to remember when you combine smaller sentences into a longer one.

1) Make sure the combined sentence has the same meaning as the smaller sentences.
2)  Make sure that the sentence flows smoothly, without a lot of repeated phrases.

Homework:  Complete the two worksheets.  We corrected most of the first one in class.  The second one deals with sentences from Harry Potter and we'll correct it in class tomorrow.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Today's Activities

Today in class we played "NECAPORDY," a Jeopardy-like game that involves NECAP grammar questions.  Some of the categories were: verb tenses, spelling, capitalization, comma usage, apostrophes, colons, semicolons, fragments, run-ons, dialog punctuation, and sentence combining.

Homework:  None.