Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Now that we have finished acting...

Today we finished acting!  There is a paragraph that you must complete on Moodle.  Please log into the English Moodle page to see the journal paragraph that is due Friday afternoon.  You will have access to the books for finding quotes during class tomorrow.

We have an essay to look forward to, which I'll discuss on Friday.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Acting out Twelve Angry Men

All this week, we are acting out the play in class.  With the snow day and delay, this means it might actually take us into next week to finish it.  Discussion of the play occurs throughout the acting in class.  While we discuss and act, you are responsible for filling out the "Why Did I Change My Vote?" sheet.  This is the only homework - it, and the small writing response will be due at the conclusion of the acting.

On Friday, super-challenge and extreme challenge will be getting an additional book to read.  More details to follow.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Spelling Bee

Congratulations to Eric and Eli for spelling their way to being our pod's finalists!  They will compete against the rest of the school on Friday, January 28th during periods 1&2.

Block Day

Today in class we are doing phase ONE of the unit: close reading of the play. 

Homework:  Character Quote sheet and "Quiz Questions" due Monday.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Online version of the play

The following is a version of the play for our class-use only.  It varies in a few, slight ways from the in-class text, but if you need to find something or review something, it could be helpful.

Act 1
Act 2
Act 3

Spelling Bee Semifinalists!

We have our semifinalists for the spelling bee!

Period 2:  Mike and Eric
Period 3: Guin, Eli, and Courtney
Period 5: Stefan and Brendan
Period 6: Rachel, Meaghan, and Katie
Period 8: Caroline and Cam

Congratulations, kiddos....our pod semifinal will be this Thursday.  We will be narrowing the following 12 kids down to two finalists to compete against the rest of the school!

Today in class, we finished the spelling bee, and then began the first phase of the Twelve Angry Men unit:  We will be reading this play with partners in class over the rest of the week.  Quiz questions and character quote sheets have been handed out, and will need to be finished by Monday.  Be prepared to read on block day!

Homework:  Character quote sheet and quiz question sheet need to be completed by Monday.  Character costume items for bonus points are due block day.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Welcome back!

Hi kids,

Hope you enjoyed your vacation!  Today we are introducing the new unit on the classic play, 12 Angry Men.  We will be reading, then performing the play, and then we will watch the movie (one of Mr. Stowell's classic favorites).  View the trailer here!

Today in class, we are introducing the characters, and the expectations for the unit.
  • There is a reading comprehension quiz after the reading.
  • There is a compare/contrast essay at the end of the unit.
  • There are small homework and project assignments throughout.
  • Super-challenge and extreme-challenge will have to read an additional book.

The second portion of the class will start the double-elimination spelling bee!  A pod-wide spelling bee will occur later in the week.

Homework:  One bonus point per costume item used.  Due block day.