Saturday, April 30, 2011

How to get out of the upcoming prepositions quiz

Happy vacation!  Man, it's been a great week for me - I've been having fun catching up on projects and acting my heart out!  I hope your vacation has been restful and fun for you as well!

Below is the prepositions song.  The first ten people who can successfully memorize the song and sing it to me, once we get back on Monday, will get an automatic 100 on the next grammar quiz, which of course, is on prepositions!

The Mighty Prepositions Song
Sung to the tune of “Yankee Doodle Dandy”

Aboard, about, above, across
Against, along, around
As, among, after, at, out
Except, for, during, down

Behind, below, beneath, beside
Between, before, beyond
By, over, of, in, from, off, on
Until, unto, upon

Under, underneath, up, since,
Like, near, past, through, throughout,
With, within, instead of, without,
To, into, toward, inside!
(and now for some compound prepositions!)

Because of, according to
In addition to…
Instead of, in back/front of
On top of, out of, next to!

The two things that you have to know
 About prepositional phrases:
First, they never roam alone;
Objects always follow close behind them-

Which of course are nouns or pronouns
Without those, preps are adverbs.
The second thing with these phrases -
they act as adverbs or adjectives!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Monday, April 18, 2011

Apostrophe Quiz and Verbs!

After the quiz today, we began reviewing verbs.

1)  Action verbs can be transitive or intransitive
2)  Linking verbs link a noun to another noun or adjective that renames or describes it.

Homework:  Exercises 1 and 2.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Today we are reviewing the apostrophe homework and preparing for Monday's mini-quiz.

Great job on persuasive speeches!  Finalists and winners' pictures are on the Team Fusion Moodle page.  I'll be posting video up there over the weekend!

Homework:  Go over your notes and exercises to prepare for apostrophe quiz.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Apostrophes and Possession

Hey kids,

Today we went over exercise #1 and the five rules on how apostrophes are used to show possession. These rules are outlined in the packet you were given yesterday.

Here are two pics of rules 4 and 5:


Finish exercises 2, 3, and 4 AND write 10 example sentences, 2 for each of the five rules.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Finishing Persuasive Speeches!

Tuesday we will finish the persuasive speeches!  On Wednesday, we will find out the class winners.  On Thursday, there will be a pod finale, in which the two best from each class will compete for the top three speakers in the pod!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Hi Kids,

Today we took a vocabulary quiz.  If you were absent, you are responsible to take it tomorrow during a study hall.

Tomorrow we are watching The Alamo, so there will be shortened classes.

Homework: For those who have delivered their speech: None!  For those who haven't: practice your speech!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Persuasive Speech Delivery

Tomorrow we will begin delivering the persuasive speeches!  You now know what order you are delivering your speech, so when your day is up, come prepared and dressed nicely!  Bring your rubrics to class as well!

The vocabulary quiz has been moved to Thursday.