Monday, September 27, 2010

Today's Activities - More NECAP writing

Hi Folks,

Over the weekend you responded to two writing prompts: 1)"Lightning" and 2) "Letter to the Principal."  In class today, we went over examples of real student work at all levels.  We saw what a "4" response is, and what makes it awesome, and what a terrible "1" looks like.  For another look at the examples, you can go to the state's website here.

Next, we talked about the two prompts that you have for tonight's homework.
1)"A Storm Is Coming" asks you to simply use your sharpened skills of sensory detail description to describe an approaching storm.  Make sure you mix up long and short sentences.  That's it - describe every one of the five senses for that storm!

2)"How to Eat a Poem" is a poem that compares the act of reading/experiencing a poem to the act of eating a juicy, delicious piece of fruit.  Whenever you here "compare" in the directions, like with this assignment, your response paragraph should look like the classic "C & C" paragraph.  See the screenshot in the previous posting.  This is the harder of the two writing responses.

Homework:  (see above)  due tomorrow

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