Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Good Day fellow students!

Today is the pretest.  If you pass with an 90% or better (this time) you have "tested-out" of the list and will do self-guided vocab, based off of a novel of your choosing.  If so, you need to keep a book at school during the first week of the unit to create your list of 14 words.  If you do not have a book, you will be promptly sent to the library to acquire one, and will lose time to generate your list, or you may lose your "tested-out" status.

We will correct the pretests in class, and you will know your status today in class.
  • Challenge Level:  The post-test will consist of half of the words are multiple-choice, half fill-in the blank for sentences.
  • Super-Challenge Level:  This post-test will look very similar to the pretest without the word bank, and will consist of 14 words.
  • Extreme-Challenge Level:  This post-test will provide you with a word bank, and you must write a story that correctly uses the words in context.  In addition, you must provide the correct part of speech for each word as it is used.

After the pretest, you will have an in-class writing assignment:
  • Choice 1:  Write a paragraph that uses all ten vocabulary words correctly in a scenario that describe a time where you or a loved one had "a close call."  Remember Mr. Stowell's appendectomy story?
  • Choice 2:  Write a paragraph that summarizes the Jon Krakauer story excerpt from Into Thin Air, which correctly uses all ten vocabulary words.
  • (Due tomorrow)  Finish your in-class writing.  Be sure to use all 10 words.
  • (Due tomorrow)  Write one paragraph describing (in as much detail as possible) your favorite character from a book or a movie.  DO NOT REVEAL THE NAME - we are going to try to guess it in class!  (Pen or pencil - as long as it's legible)
  • (For people who tested-out) Bring a book tomorrow that you can use for your vocabulary list.  If you do not bring a book, you will default to Extreme Challenge.