Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Storybird: Day 2

By the beginning of class today, you need to have firmly decided upon which "menu choices" you will write your story upon and what collection of art you are going with.  Also, if you are doing the storybird alternate assignment, you need to have firmly decided upon that as well...remember:  if you are going to choose the alternate, you are STUCK with it, and do not get extra time.

By the end of class, you needed to have incorporated 3 of the 10 vocab words into your story.  Remember:  The meaning of the word needs to be clear from the context of the rest of the sentence - someone who didn't know the meaning of the word would be able to figure it out from the rest of the sentence!  Be sure the sentence is long enough!

Homework:  Continue to work on your storybird at home.  You should have at least 5 of the ten words in your story by tonight...aka you need to be half done.