For the block days, we discussed what makes a good idea for this project according to what is outlined on the handout (a copy of the handout is in a prior post). Then we brainstormed what we are planning to do (see the brainstorm lists for each class in other posts).
We ended this session with more examples of instructional videos and evaluated them. Please feel free to suggest further ones to me if you come across any cool ones!
Homework (due Friday): You must write a proposal to me, your boss. If your proposal isn't a great one, I will reject it, and make you rewrite it, or choose a different project. It must be a full 8-10 sentence paragraph that tells me why you are choosing your topic, what makes it a great thing to teach to eighth-graders, and how you plan to execute your tutorial. I want to know exactly how you plan to go about teaching us this thing.