Saturday, August 24, 2013

Welcome to your first day of Tsunami English!

Hi Class,

Today we introduced you to the way we do vocabulary, Greek and Latin Roots.

The root for this week is "fid / fide / feder / feal" (this root has four variations) which means "trust" or "faith."  Every word that has this root, usually has something to do with trust and faith.  Every day this week, you will have a new word that uses this root.

Every week you will usually have two new roots, and every day a new word that uses that root.

The first day of every week you will have a short quiz on the roots and words from the previous week. There are three levels of each quiz, each with increasing expectations.

Standard Level: you have to match the words to the definitions.
College Prep: you have to match the words to the definitions AND correctly spell the words.
Honors: you have to match the words to the definitions AND correctly spell the words AND write a sentence for each word, using the word correctly, and showing the meaning of the word by the context of the sentence.


Also today, I'll quickly intro the two main websites we use on a daily basis: this blog, and Edmodo (see previous post to join)


Finally, this is a reminder that you had a summer reading assignment to do.  I checked your progress with that today.  For more details, see two prior posts.  We will have an assessment due in two weeks.

1) Check this blog...hooray...nice job!
2) Log into your Edmodo class.  You will need to remember your school gmail address.  I recommend using the same password for Edmodo that you use for your gmail.
3) Read for 30 minutes (either the summer reading book, or another novel that you enjoy)