Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Today's Class Activities

First, we will type a writing reflection on your personal narrative essay.  Be sure to address the following questions with a complete sentence each:
  1. How proud are you of this personal narrative?
  2. What do you specifically like about it?
  3. What do you wish you could have done better?
  4. How hard was this writing assignment?
  5. How long did it take you?
  6. Did you split up the assignment into chunks, or write it all at once?
  7. How well did you stick to the main idea in your essay?
  8. How do you think you did with respect to including sensory details?
  9. Do you think your anecdote has a clear point to it?
  10. How have you changed as a writer as a result of this essay?
  11. What did you learn about writing from the personal narrative assignment?
Secondly, we will begin brainstorming in pairs or alone, a top-ten list.  Possible categories are:

Cool websites, sports stars, energy drinks, sci-fi bad-guys, pizza toppings, action movies, scary movies, American Idols, "metal" bands, Greenday songs, songs to learn on guitar, things you need to survive the zombie apocalypse, things you would want on a deserted island.

Homework:  finish brainstorming your top-ten list.  Due tomorrow.

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