Sunday, September 23, 2012

Day 19: Workshopping the Narrative: Strong Verbs and To Be or Not to Be.

Today we are specifically looking for strong verb usage.

You are only allowed to have a maximum of 5 "to be" verbs per page.   Dialog is not included in this count.  Be verbs are boring and they should be replaced whenever possible.  Finding other verbs to replace them, forces your writing to be more active and interesting.  This method is based off of a movement calle "English Prime" or "E-Prime," and if you're a nerd and want to read up on it, check it out here.

Below is the list of all the forms of the BE verb.  The biggest offenders are...

 "am, is, are, was, were, being, have been, will be"

Limiting these verbs from your writing does two things: 1) it forces you to come up with stronger, more descriptive verbs, and 2) it makes your writing more active, and less passive, which we'll learn more about later!

Excellent job!  After

Homework:  Print out a new draft with all stronger verbs (you are allowed to have only 3 "be" verbs), limited adverbs, and any other corrections you care to make for tomorrow's workshop.