Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Spelling and Greek/Latin Roots

Today you will get your spelling lists.  After taking a brief pre-test to see how many words on your list you can already spell, continue to practice them for homework.

The second activity you will do in class today is play Greek/Latin Root Baseball!  We will also be studying 30 of the most common roots, and their meanings.  Knowing these will ultimately help us do two things: 1) determine the meanings of larger words we don't know, and 2) be able to spell new words a little better since we know how to spell the roots.

Homework:  Spelling list quiz is next Wednesday.  Roots quiz is to be announced.

Below are the spelling words and all the list of all the Greek/Latin roots that we will be studying.


Greek/Latin Roots:

-ast(er)-(G)starasteroid, astronomy
-audi- (L)hearaudible, audience
-auto- (G)selfautomatic, autopsy
-bene- (L)goodbenefit, benign
-bio- (G)lifebiography, biology
-chrono- (G)timechronic, synchronize
-dict- (L)saydictate, diction
-duc- (L)lead, makededuce, produce
-gen- (L)give birthgene, generate
-geo- (G)earthgeography, geology
-graph- (G)writeautograph, graph
-jur-, -jus- (L)lawjury, justice
-log-, -logue- (L)thoughtlogic, obloquy
-luc- (L)lightlucid, translucent
-man(u)- (L)handmanual, manure
-mand-, -mend- (L)orderdemand, recommend
-mis-, -mit- (L)sendmissile, transmission
-omni- (L)allomnivorous
-path- (G)feelempathy, pathetic
-phil- (G)lovephilosophy, bibliophile
-phon- (G)soundphonics, telephone
-photo- (G)lightphotograph, photon
-port- (L)carryexport, portable
-qui(t)- (L)quiet, restacquit, tranquil
-scrib-, -script- (L)writeascribe, script
-sens-, -sent- (L)feelresent, sensitive
-tele- (G)far offtelecast, telephone
-terr- (L)earthterrain, territory
-vac- (L)emptyevacuate, vacate
-vid-, -vis- (L)seevisible, video