The second activity you will do in class today is play Greek/Latin Root Baseball! We will also be studying 30 of the most common roots, and their meanings. Knowing these will ultimately help us do two things: 1) determine the meanings of larger words we don't know, and 2) be able to spell new words a little better since we know how to spell the roots.
Homework: Spelling list quiz is next Wednesday. Roots quiz is to be announced.
Below are the spelling words and all the list of all the Greek/Latin roots that we will be studying.
Greek/Latin Roots:
-ast(er)-(G) | star | asteroid, astronomy |
-audi- (L) | hear | audible, audience |
-auto- (G) | self | automatic, autopsy |
-bene- (L) | good | benefit, benign |
-bio- (G) | life | biography, biology |
-chrono- (G) | time | chronic, synchronize |
-dict- (L) | say | dictate, diction |
-duc- (L) | lead, make | deduce, produce |
-gen- (L) | give birth | gene, generate |
-geo- (G) | earth | geography, geology |
-graph- (G) | write | autograph, graph |
-jur-, -jus- (L) | law | jury, justice |
-log-, -logue- (L) | thought | logic, obloquy |
-luc- (L) | light | lucid, translucent |
-man(u)- (L) | hand | manual, manure |
-mand-, -mend- (L) | order | demand, recommend |
-mis-, -mit- (L) | send | missile, transmission |
-omni- (L) | all | omnivorous |
-path- (G) | feel | empathy, pathetic |
-phil- (G) | love | philosophy, bibliophile |
-phon- (G) | sound | phonics, telephone |
-photo- (G) | light | photograph, photon |
-port- (L) | carry | export, portable |
-qui(t)- (L) | quiet, rest | acquit, tranquil |
-scrib-, -script- (L) | write | ascribe, script |
-sens-, -sent- (L) | feel | resent, sensitive |
-tele- (G) | far off | telecast, telephone |
-terr- (L) | earth | terrain, territory |
-vac- (L) | empty | evacuate, vacate |
-vid-, -vis- (L) | see | visible, video |