Monday, May 6, 2013

Giant List of Topics

      Should the town of Stratham pass the teachers’ contract?
·      Should the second floor of the school be completed?
·      Should we eliminate summer vacation?
·      Should we eliminate standardized testing? (NWEA, NECAP)
·      Should New Hampshire repeal the death penalty?
·      Should we be vegetarians?
·      Should the government have more gun restrictions?  31-bullet clip?
·      Should the government do more to prevent illegal downloading?
·      Should the government do more to prevent homelessness, or is it not that big of an issue?
·      Should the hacker groups Wikileaks and Anonymous be arrested?
·      Should the government do more to prevent illegal immigration, or is it too expensive?
·      Should the government have more restrictions on genetically modified food?
·      Are we doing enough to prevent childhood obesity in America?
·      Does homework our school gives cause more harm than good for students?
·      Should we close all nuclear power plants in the U.S.?
·      Should the U.S. have more trade restrictions with China?
·      Should the U.S. immediately withdraw troops from Afghanistan?
·      Is too much of our nation's budget spent on defense?
·      Should we have levels in the middle school?
·      Should the U.S.  modify or repeal N.C.L.B. legislation?
Should we approve the Keystone pipeline project?
·      Should the U.S. drill in the Alaskan wildlife preserve for oil?
·      Do there need to be more restrictions on oil drilling in the U.S.?
·      Should the U.S. do more to prevent global warming?
·      Should economic sanctions be lifted from Cuba?
·      Should the president do more to close the Guantanomo Bay detention center?
·      Should major agriculture-producing countries stop producing crops for biofuel?
·      Is the Obama administration taking appropriate actions to reverse the recession?
·      Should the U.S. apply more pressure on China for human-rights issues?
·      Should the U.S. do more to coerce China to grant Tibet independence?
·      Should the U.S. put more pressure on Israel to have a peace agreement with Palestine?
·      Is the Obama administration doing enough to protect the environment?
·      Are our schools doing enough to prevent bullying?
·      Should our school start time be later?
·      Should N.H. keep the law allowing gay marriage?  (be careful to keep it fact-based, not opinion)
·      Should we keep the new health care legislation?  "Obama-care"?
·      Should American citizens boycott the sale of S.U.V.'s?
·      Should American citizens boycott Walmart?
·      Should plastic bags be banned in grocery stores?
·      Is the U.S. doing enough to reduce the stockpile of nuclear weapons worldwide?  (We just signed a new treaty with Russia)
·      Should people be allowed to own exotic/dangerous pets?
·      Are we, as a nation, doing well enough to educate our students?