Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Want to see the "Fusion Virtual Fridge?"

Hi Kids, I'm developing a place where you can see all of your teammates' videos, PowerPoints, and pictures!  You'll need an email address.  Fill out the form below.  This will take a little time for me to give you access and put up content, so be patient!  :)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Presentations Day

Hello folks,

Today we will begin Instructional Presentations!  Many of you have worked quite diligently in the design and practice of these presentations, and what I've seen so far rocks!  I will be creating a page for you to view some of the powerpoints and videos online!

No Homework for today....but remember....

Monday, November 21, 2011

Action and Linking Verbs

Hello and welcome to the short week!

So, today's lesson is a review of some verbo-info: Action and Linking Verbs.

Action verbs show action, duh.  There is a zillion of them out there.
  • sometimes you can't see the action: think, know, love, desire, understand - are all verbs.
  • Action verbs can be put into two categories, transitive and intransitive.
    • transitive action verbs: there is an object (noun or pronoun) that recieves the action of the verb
      • ask who or what after the verb - and if there is an answer, that is the object of a transitive action verb!
      • example: Andrew threw a football.
    • intransitive action verbs: there is no object to recieve the action.
      • example: Andrew threw up.
Linking verbs are boring.  They connect the subject to either a noun that renames it (called a predicate nominative), or an adjective that describes it (called a predicate adjective).  There aren't many of them in the English language.
  • forms of "to be" are the most common linking verb.
  • some of the trickier linking verbs are:
    • appear, become, feel, grow, look, remain, seem, smell, sound, stay, taste, turn.
    • some of those above verbs could be action verbs or linking verbs, depending on how they are used.
Homework:  Do exercises 1, 2, and 3.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Correcting Apostrophe Homework and Studying for Vocab

Hi Kids,

Today we corrected the apostrophe worksheet - many problems were highlighted as ones that you will see again in the future (wink, wink).  Vocab quiz is tomorrow.  We all created flashcards for the "bonus" words that will show up on super-challenge and extreme quizzes.

To find out what level of quiz you are taking tomorrow, you must look on Powerschool and see what level of quiz you took last time and how you did on it.  If you aced that level last time, you must take the next level up... no slacking... you're here to push your intellectual limits, kiddos!

Homework:  Study vocab.  Make us proud.  Continue to work on visual presentation.  Bring in a can.

The Whole Vocabulary List

Here are the bonus words that super-challenge and extreme must know.

absolution    A forgiveness of someone for something
begrudgingly    Doing something even if you don't want to do it
gratify    To try and please someone
redress    To try to make things right for a person who was wronged
retribution    Revenge for something done wrong to you

Here are the ten words for this unit, which all levels (challenge, super-challenge, and extreme) must know.  You don't need to know the parts of speech this time, but there isn't a word bank.

stricken    To be suffering from something
torrent    A large amount of fast and furiously flowing water
rapt    To be amazed and have your attention captured
preoccupied    To be thinking about something so much that you don't notice other things
possess    To own something and control it
expanse    A wide, open area
retaliate    To get revenge for something that someone has done to you
ameliorate    To make a situation better or easier for someone
capitulate    To give up and surrender
furtive    Secretive and sneaky in order to hide what one is doing

Plus, everyone is responsible for remembering words from the last unit.  There will be a few "blasts from the past" on EVERYONE'S quiz.

Ascend    (v.) To move upward
Deteriorate    (v.) To have the condition of something get worse and worse
Deplete    (v.) To be completely used up
Innocuous    (adj.) Harmless
Banal    (adj.) Something or someone that is so common that it is boring
Demure    (adj.) Quiet and shy
Formidable    (adj.) Threatening because of size or strength
Immaculate    (adj.) Spotlessly clean
Arduous    (adj.) When something takes a lot of effort
Err    (v.) To make a mistake

Can Drive Update

Stowell was in the lead... What happened?

On the other hand, check out what six of Mr. Stowell's home room students can haul in in ONE DAY! Tomorrow is the last day folks!
Oh no!
Just ONE day, in ONE homeroom!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Can Drive is going on until Friday

To Bring in Cans!

Especially if you are from Mr. Stowell's homeroom!

We are not even close to our team-wide goal of a 1,000 cans!

Random Fun Stuff

Here's the floor plan for the stage in my upcoming production of 12Angry Men
Here's a mock-up for a the promotional poster...it will probably change.
Here's a link for "Exterminators"
Here's a shot of the Tran-Siberian Orchestra last weekend!
And here is your classmate, Nate, spotted at the "Krewe de Who" marchers at the Portsmouth Halloween Parade!
Here's a link to a NH Chronicle segment featuring Jarret's family's business

More Apostrophe Board Notes

There's more out there!
Here are the exceptions to the rules...of course!
Don't forget!  There are other possessive pronouns out there too!
Joint possession rules!

More Apostrophe Madness and Vocab Review

Hi Folks,

So, we will clean up any remaining apostrophe rules today.  Please see the shots of the board for reference.  You will also be given time to check-in with Mr. Stowell regarding your visual presentation.  Is there anything you need for the live presentation?  Some kids asked for a table, which is cool.  Some kids asked for the projector camera, which is cool as well!

You'll be filling out exit cards for today's class, asking you two things:

How well you understand the apostrophe business, and where are you at with your project.

Homework:  the same as yesterday.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What's Up with Apostrophes?

Hi Kids,

Today we did a little vocabulary review and then talked about apostrophes.  Those are tricky little things indeed.  Please refer to the notes in the previous post.

Also, I passed back your instructional essays.  If you didn't get the grade you wanted, you have until this Friday to rewrite.  Remember:  I'm stingy, so to get any credit for a rewrite, you must fix EVERYTHING - especially the instructions, if they aren't detailed enough.  You also MUST include your previous draft for me to even accept it.

Homework:  Continue studying for vocab quiz, continue working on your instructional presentation, AND apostrophe exercises 1, 2, 3, and 4 are due on Thursday.

Apostrophe Notes From the Board

Monday, November 14, 2011

Vocabulary Review and Checking Your Planning Boxes

Hi Folks,

So, I hope you enjoyed your lovely, long weekend.  Along with grading, I saw the holiday rock band, Trans-Siberian Orchestra!

Today in class, I checked that you had a final draft copy of at least 6 planning boxes, two for each of the three camera angles we talked about.  Many of you did a great job!  I wanted to collect them, but I figured you needed them for your final draft.


Vocabulary Quiz is this Friday (11/18).

Visual presentations are due the Monday you get back from Thanksgiving break (11/28).  
Now, before you go "ah, that's plenty of time...I don't have to worry about that for a while," recognize that that assumption is FALSE!  Filming this short thing usually takes students over 1 hour, and then another 2 hours to edit the video!  If you only do 30 minutes a night of English homework on school nights, that means that this project alone, would require 6 nights! .... AND you ONLY have 7 school nights to do this before it is due, and don't forget all the holiday hooplah that takes up so much of our time during this year!  SO GET CRACKING!

The rest of class was spent using a Charades/Pictionary-type game.  Many of you had difficulty with "ameliorate".

Homework:  Study vocab, work on visual presentation.

And now, a little something TSO to take the edge off - if you haven't seen this yet, it's awesome:

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Camera Angles and Passing in Your Instructive Essays

Hi Folks,

Today you passed in your MLA-formatted final drafts of your instructional essays.  You also grabbed some planning sheets to start thinking like a director.  This will help you pay close attention to the visual presentation of your projects.

There are three different camera angles that we will be considering for our project.

Medium Shots (MS): This is a "medium" distance away, showing about the torso up of the presenter, along with all related materials and objects.

Cut-Ins (CI):  This is about a step closer, focusing on the object presented, and able to fit the hands of the presenter in the frame as well.

Close-Up (CU):  This is another step closer, meant to show a detail of the object OR the expression on the presenter's face.

To see what other camera angles there are out there, check out this link.

Homework:  You need to have a final draft of six planning boxes (that means your drawings need to be in ink), two planning boxes for each of the three camera angles that we are using.

Monday, November 7, 2011

How to get Stowell's flashcards on your iPod

Hi Folks,

There are a number of free and paid apps out there that allow you to download flashcards from the website, Quizlet.com.  You can see which apps can do this by clicking here!  They all work about the same, but the more expensive ones seem to be the cooler ones.

I can't give you directions tailored for each app on how to download them, but once you pick your app, then within the app, look for something that says "search for flashcards on Quizlet.com" or something to that effect.

Secondly, search for cards created by "misterstowell" (that's me).  That usually brings up all the flashcard sets that I have created.  If that doesn't work, you can search for sets called "Rev It Up" and my cards will come up, along with ones created by other people.  See me if you are not having any luck!

Rough Draft of Instructional Essays

Today we'll start with a little vocabulary instruction, going over the new word list.  Quiz will be on Friday the 18th.

Secondly, we will peer-edit each other's rough drafts of the instructional essays.

Homework:  Final drafts of the instructional essays are due, TYPED and in MLA format by the beginning of class on Wednesday.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Five Bonus Words for Super and Extreme Challenge

New Quizlet Flashcards for Unit 2

Vocab Pretest and Instructional Writing Rough Draft

Hi Folks,

Today we read the short reading to see the vocabulary in context and then pretested our knowledge of them.  Some of you tested out, congrats for you!  You now have to start building your own vocabulary list, based off of independent reading.

Flashcards are coming soon on Quizlet.

For the second half of the class, we started working on the rough draft of the instructional essays.  Be sure to have your rough draft finished by Monday.  Be sure to include an introduction paragraph and a conclusion.

Homework:  RD of instructional essay is due Monday.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Block Day: Brainstorming your Instructional Essay Ideas

For the block days, we discussed what makes a good idea for this project according to what is outlined on the handout (a copy of the handout is in a prior post).  Then we brainstormed what we are planning to do (see the brainstorm lists for each class in other posts).

We ended this session with more examples of instructional videos and evaluated them.  Please feel free to suggest further ones to me if you come across any cool ones!

Homework (due Friday):  You must write a proposal to me, your boss.  If your proposal isn't a great one, I will reject it, and make you rewrite it, or choose a different project.  It must be a full 8-10 sentence paragraph that tells me why you are choosing your topic, what makes it a great thing to teach to eighth-graders, and how you plan to execute your tutorial.  I want to know exactly how you plan to go about teaching us this thing.

Period 8's Brainstorm List

How to do the freestyle stroke in swimming...
How to do a flip...
How to survive the first night in Minecraft...
How to do a skate board trick...
How to take/save a soccer penalty kick...
How to play "The Office Theme Song" on piano...
How to build the world record air plane...
How to do Jacob's Ladder from Cat's Cradle...
How to do a braided bun...
How to make a Samurai hat out of paper...
How to roof a back-handed hockey shot...
How to make a decorative cake...
How to make a glass bead...
How to do a rainbow...
How to do an ice skating trick (Waltz Jump)...
How to make a banana surprise...
How to successfully bird watch...
How to get to round 20 on Black Ops Zombies...
How to make chocolate chip cookies from scratch...
How to throw a spiral football and catch it...
How to do a 360 Y Y no scope silent shot in Modern Warfare 2...
How to shoot a lacrosse ball in multiple ways...
How to do soccer moves to get around a defender...

Seventh-Period's Brainstorm List

How to play the game "World of Warcraft," levels 1-5
How to do a form tackle
How to play "One" by Metallica on electric guitar
How to do a back-flip
How to take a wrist shot (hockey)
How to make cake pops
How to shoot a rubber band "like a boss"
How to do a "four move kill"in chess
How to make paper airplanes (must be boss-ish)
Guided tour of Exeter High School
How to do a BMX bike trick
How to make fancy cookies
How to make an origami crane
How to build a lean-to
How to make double-chocolate cookies
How to make apple pie from scratch
How to make fried rice
How to make chocolate-chip pancakes
How to bandage an injury
How to play "We're Not Gonna Take It" on electric guitar

How to Beat Someone in Chess in Four Easy Moves

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Period 3 Brainstorm List

Here is the list that period three came up with...

How to play "Happy Birthday" on the clarinet...
How to make red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting...
How to do a guillotine wrestling move...
How to cut down a tree...
How to make home made play-dough...
How to fold an animal out of a towel...
A guided tour of the guillatine (in france, near the louvre)...
How to throw a "cut" fastball...
How to do soccer moves...
How to fold a dollar into a heart...
How to play "Jingle Bells" on the piano..
How to do two different patterns of tie-dye
How to run a "reverse" football play
How to make a duck tape wallet...
How to play "Good Life By: One Republic" on the acoustic guitar...
How to ski (need mountain and snow)...
How to "Juke" or avoid a tackle...
How to make a paper ninja star...
How to take care of a farm (more specific...one or two animals, crops)...
How to take proper care of a baby ball python...
How to do a pool trick called "Home Run" or a Billiards "Baseball Shot"...
How to make home made ice cream...
Mr. Stowell's Idea...
How to make home made bread...

Period 1 Brainstorm List

Here is the list that period 1 came up with. 

Folding napkin animals...make sure there are enough steps
Field Hockey moves
Football plays and moves
Video Game Code modifications
How to properly feed a snake...do not bring it in to school
Folding unique paper airplanes
How to properly fasten an Irish dance step wig
How to do a drum progression
How to make a paper crane
Figure skating move - difficult to teach, you need ice
How to prepare for hiking - get more specific...prepare for a certain hike, or a particular mountain, or how to pack a backpack
How to make a spiral keychain from string
How to fold notes in a square
How to fix a boat motor
How to cover a book with a paper bag
Teach us a TAYLOR SWIFT song on guitar
How to make a backyard ice rink ... make sure you have your parents' permission
How to properly throw a football
How to make a family recipe of Italian ravioli ... you will need to cite your mother
How to do nail decals ... be specific and make sure you have enough interest
Rainbow cupcakes ... plan out how you can do this live in class.

How to Play "Seven Nation Army" on Guitar

This is one of my favorite songs.

I haven't found many great tutorials on it... but this one is the best. Some criticisms: No closeups. The terms "fret" and "power chord" are not defined. Plus, we never see his face.

How to Ollie a Skateboard

Below is one in which the directions are plainly set out.

Here is one by Tony Hawk, considered by many to be the "grandfather" of skateboarding.

Period 4's Brainstorm list

Here is the list of brainstorm topics we developed for fourth period.

~how to make a cootie catcher--too many people already know
~how to make an origami lotus
~how to draw something -- not specific enough
~how to surf--break it down & be specific:  You must be able to teach someone who doesn't know anything about it, and doesn't have a natural "gift" for it.
~how to do a french manicure -- is there enough interest?
~how to play a board game that not many people are familiar with
~how to make cake decorations ex: fondant rose
~How to be a good first baseman
~how to run a specific football play
~how to prepare for golf -- needs to be more teachable & specific
~how to do specific basketball shots or plays
~how to play "Hot Cross Buns" on the saxophone
~how to tape a hockey stick -- not enough steps, teach us other hockey moves?
~how to make snow globe
~how to throw different kinds of pitches
~how/why people make paper cranes
~how to make the family marinara sauce -- make sure 10 steps
~how to filet a fish
~how to put shooting strings on a lacrosse stick
~how to build and launch a compressed air water bottle rocket
~how to make whoopee pies
~how to get an "A" in class--needs to focus this..an"A" in specific skill like vocabulary quiz, or essay
~how to ride a unicycle

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A really cool site for how-to's

Instructables.com is a website devoted to how-to projects...check it out!

How-to Rubric and Explanation

Hi Kids,

Here is an electronic copy of the unit instructions and rubric.

Tomorrow we'll be brainstorming a list of what are some good topics.

Tonight's Homework:  Brainstorm a list of 5 possible things you can do for your "guided tour" or "how-to" instructional writing project.  Make sure you write at least one sentence each explaining what it is.  Secondly, pick your favorite, and write an additional three sentences minimum explaining why that is the best choice.

How-To Videos - Examples

Hi class, I hope you all enjoyed your snow day!  I think we should take off every Monday!  Anyways, here we are again, at the beginning of a new quarter....and a new unit!  We are beginning the Instructional Writing unit!!

Today we gave an overview of the unit, and watched some YouTube "how-to" videos.  Find the links below: