So, I hope you enjoyed your lovely, long weekend. Along with grading, I saw the holiday rock band, Trans-Siberian Orchestra!
Today in class, I checked that you had a final draft copy of at least 6 planning boxes, two for each of the three camera angles we talked about. Many of you did a great job! I wanted to collect them, but I figured you needed them for your final draft.
Vocabulary Quiz is this Friday (11/18).
Visual presentations are due the Monday you get back from Thanksgiving break (11/28).
Now, before you go "ah, that's plenty of time...I don't have to worry about that for a while," recognize that that assumption is FALSE! Filming this short thing usually takes students over 1 hour, and then another 2 hours to edit the video! If you only do 30 minutes a night of English homework on school nights, that means that this project alone, would require 6 nights! .... AND you ONLY have 7 school nights to do this before it is due, and don't forget all the holiday hooplah that takes up so much of our time during this year! SO GET CRACKING!The rest of class was spent using a Charades/Pictionary-type game. Many of you had difficulty with "ameliorate".
Homework: Study vocab, work on visual presentation.
And now, a little something TSO to take the edge off - if you haven't seen this yet, it's awesome: