Thursday, November 10, 2011

Camera Angles and Passing in Your Instructive Essays

Hi Folks,

Today you passed in your MLA-formatted final drafts of your instructional essays.  You also grabbed some planning sheets to start thinking like a director.  This will help you pay close attention to the visual presentation of your projects.

There are three different camera angles that we will be considering for our project.

Medium Shots (MS): This is a "medium" distance away, showing about the torso up of the presenter, along with all related materials and objects.

Cut-Ins (CI):  This is about a step closer, focusing on the object presented, and able to fit the hands of the presenter in the frame as well.

Close-Up (CU):  This is another step closer, meant to show a detail of the object OR the expression on the presenter's face.

To see what other camera angles there are out there, check out this link.

Homework:  You need to have a final draft of six planning boxes (that means your drawings need to be in ink), two planning boxes for each of the three camera angles that we are using.