Today we talked about the elements of a narrative.
-Narrator: 1st or 3rd person. This is the one that tells the story, or narrates it. Whatever is "said" by the narrator is called narration. Do not confuse it with dialog.
-Setting: This is the when and where of a story. It usually affects the characters in some way.
-Specific Details: These are words that describe the characters, setting, or other important things in a story. Often they are sensory details, with sight being the most important/most prevalent one. Remember, an author doesn't put in details that don't have significance; there are no random details.
-Dialog: This is a very important kind of detail, where characters speak. Their words are in quotation marks. Like all other details, they usually show something about a character or help move the conflict along. Authors do NOT put in random dialog that doesn't help move the story along.
-Reflection: This is where the narrator shows their thinking process on the situation. Usually there are signal words like "I remember" or "He thought."
So, you are going to write a one-paragraph short narrative that has all of these above elements used at lest once.